Thought-Based Approach
Merging Clinical Know-How with Personal Experience for
Support That Makes a Difference

Couples & Families
You Don't Live in a Bubble and Neither Does Anyone Else—Solutions that Address the Entire Dynamic
Our step-by-step process looks at the patterns of interaction between family members, including the one you have with yourself. We identify patterns that are beneficial and how they can be strengthened. We also look at how those that are detrimental may be shifted so they actually start working on your behalf.
Psychoeducation and interpersonal skills are important components of the work—so too are actionable items. Theory is great. But practical advice based on proven data is even better.
Whether you're a stepparent or couple seeking guidance together, Christina's well-defined process looks to remove blame from any one individual and instead focus on the overall dynamic. Only from here can you stop minimizing, denying and blaming and get to the true work of finding solutions.
Among other things, you'll learn how thru (1) Honoring, (2) Prioritizing, and (3) Compromising your positive interactions can and will out-weigh negative ones. Solution-orientated, this one-of-kind approach is tailored specifically for stepfamilies.
focused on stepfamilies
We Get It Because We Lived It
Ever been to a counselor who just didn't get it? Have you been made to feel guilty or at fault for your thoughts and feelings?
​The unfortunate truth is that many practitioners just don't understand and do not specialize in this area. You may have even happened upon a so-called 'expert' who claims to be an authority on the stepfamily dynamic but have no legitimate credentials to back up their claims. While these individuals may have well-placed intentions, misguided advice can do more harm than none at all.
Stepfamilies and the individuals in them are the one and only thing we focus on. That's it. Over the course of nearly two decades working with individuals and couples in step-relationships I've developed a keen sense as to what works, as well as what doesn't. This knowledge is infused in everything I do with my clients and has sparked the process I take them through in realizing their goals.

distance work
Don't Let Geography Stop You From
Getting the Support You Deserve
Telephone/Internet counseling and stepfamily coaching may be a viable option for benefiting from the services offered at Success for Steps®. Being both convenient and economical, services offered over the telephone or Internet (email or video conferencing) allow you to fit the help you desire into your busy schedule. Weekend, early and late night appointments available.